Up to date as of .
Publication statistics
Type |
Journal |
64 |
Book chapters & Jrnl. Summaries |
7 |
Books |
1 |
Conferences & Workshops |
102 |
174 |
Other - Tech. Reports |
8 |
Other - Ped. Conferences |
3 |
Other - Industry Conferences |
4 |
Editorials |
7 |
196 |
Copyright disclaimer
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Journals - Published, Forthcoming
J-54, J. Kim, G. An, R. Feldt, and S. Yoo, "Learning Test-Mutant Relationship for Accurate Fault Localisation", accepted to Elsevier IST 2023-06-05 (submitted 2022).
J-53, M. Nass, E. Alegroth, R. Feldt, M. Leotta, and F. Ricca, "Similarity-based web element localization for robust test automation", accepted to ACM TOSEM 2022-10-18 (submitted 2022).
J-52, J. Kim, R. Feldt, and S. Yoo, "Evaluating Surprise Adequacy for Deep Learning System Testing", accepted to ACM TOSEM 2022-06-11 (submitted 2021).
J-41, J. Pernstål, R. Feldt, T. Gorschek and D. Florén, "Communication Problems in Software Development - A Model and its Industrial Application", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 29.10 (2019): 1497-1538. (accepted April 2019)
P. Strandberg, E. Enoiu, W. Afzal, D. Sundmark, and R. Feldt, "
Information Flow in Software Testing – An Interview Study With Embedded Software Engineering Practitioners", IEEE Access Journal, December 2019, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 46434-46453.
https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2909093 (accepted April 2019, submitted 2018)
J-39, P. Kashfi, R. Feldt, and A. Nilsson, "Integrating UX Principles and Practices into Software Development Organizations: A Case Study of Influencing Events", Journal of Systems and Software 154 (2019): 37-58. (accepted April 2019)
B. Marculescu, R. Feldt, R. Torkar and S. Poulding, "Transferring Interactive Search-Based Software Testing to Industry", Journal of Systems and Software 142 (2018): 156-170. (submitted 2018). [PrePrint] [SciDirect]
J. Pernstål, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt and D. Florén, "Flex-RCA — A Lean Based Method for Root
Cause Analysis in Software Process Improvement", Software Quality Journal 27.1 (2019): 389-428. (submitted 2011). [Springer]
P. Kashfi, A. Nilsson and R. Feldt, "
Integrating User eXperience practices into software development processes: implications of the UX characteristics", PeerJ Computer Science 3:e130
https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.130. (accepted August 2017, submitted 2017)
J-P Steghöfer, R. Feldt, et al, "
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses", ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 18.2 (2018): 1-32. (accepted August 2017, submitted 2017) [
J-33, E. Alegroth and R. Feldt, "On the Long-term Use of Visual GUI Testing in Industrial Practice: A Case Study", Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) Journal, December 2017, Volume 22, Issue 6: pp 2937–2971. (accepted December 2016, submitted 2016)
J-31, P. Lenberg, L-G. Wallgren, and R. Feldt, "An Initial Analysis of Software Engineers' Attitudes Towards Organizational Change", Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) Journal, August 2017, Volume 22, Issue 4 (2017): pp 2179-2205. doi:10.1007/s10664-016-9482-0 (accepted October 2016, submitted 2016)
J-30, B. Marculescu, S. Poulding, R. Feldt, K. Petersen, and R. Torkar, "Tester Interactivity makes a Difference in Search-Based Software Testing: A Controlled Experiment", Information and Software Technology, vol. 78 (2016): pp. 66-82. (accepted May 2016, submitted 2015)
M. Unterkalmsteiner, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt and N. Lavesson, "
Large-scale Information Retrieval in Software Engineering - An Experience Report from Industrial Application", Empirical Software Engineering (December 2016), vol. 21: pp. 2324-2365. doi:10.1007/s10664-015-9410-8 (accepted 2015, submitted 2014) [
J-27, E. Alegroth, J. Gustafsson, H. Ivarsson, and R. Feldt, "Replicating Rare Software Failures with Visual GUI Testing: An Industrial Success Story", IEEE Software 34.5 (2017): pp 53-59. (accepted 2015, submitted 2015)
J-26, M. Unterkalmsteiner, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt and E. Klotins, "Assessing Requirements Engineering and Software Test Alignment - Five Case Studies", Journal of Systems and Software (2015), vol. 109: pp. 62-77. (accepted 2015, submitted 2014)
J-25, J. Pernstål, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt and D. Florén, "Requirements Communication and Balancing in Large-Scale Software-Intensive Product Development", Information and Software Technology (2015), vol. 67: pp. 44-64. (submitted 2013)
M. Unterkalmsteiner, T. Gorschek, A.K.M. Moinul Islam, C.K. Cheng, R. Permadi and R. Feldt, "A conceptual framework for SPI evaluation", Journal of Software Evolution and Maintenance: Research and Practice, vol. 26, issue 2, pages 256-279, September 2013. (submitted 2011).
E. Bjarnason, P. Runeson, M. Borg, M. Unterkalmsteiner, E. Engström, B. Regnell, G. Sabaliauskaite, A. Loconsole, T. Gorschek, and R. Feldt, "Challenges and Practices in Aligning Requirements and Verification & Validation: An Industrial Multi-Unit Case Study", Empirical Software Engineering Journal (2014), vol. 19: pp. 1809-1855. doi:10.1007/s10664-013-9263-y (accepted July 2013, submitted 2012).
W. Afzal, R. Torkar and R. Feldt,
"Resampling methods in software quality classification", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), special issue on Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering, vol. 22, num. 2, pp. 203-223, 2012 (submitted 2010).
R. Torkar, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt, U. A. Raja, and K. Kamran,
"Requirements traceability state-of-the-art: A systematic review and industry case study", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 22, num. 3, pp. 1-49, 2012. (submitted 2009)
R. Berntsson Svensson, T. Gorschek, B. Regnell, R. Torkar, A. Shahrokni and R. Feldt,
"Quality Requirements in Industrial Practice - an Interview Study at Eleven Companies", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 38, num. 4, pp. 923-935, July-August 2012. (submitted 2010)
M. Unterkalmsteiner, T. Gorschek, A. K. M. Islam, C. K. Cheng, R. Permadi and R. Feldt,
"Evaluation and Measurement of Software Process Improvement - A Systematic Literature Review", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 38, num. 2, pp. 398-482, March-April 2012. (submitted 2010)
R. Feldt, L. Angelis, R. Torkar and M. Samuelsson,
"Links Between the Personalities, Views and Attitudes of Software Engineers", Information & Software Technology, vol. 52, num. 6, pp. 611-624, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2010.01.001. (submitted 2008)
M. Svahnberg, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt, R. Torkar, S. B. Saleem, M. U. Shafique,
"A Systematic Review on Strategic Release Planning Models", Information & Software Technology, vol. 52, num. 3, pp. 237-248, 2010.
Journals (Summaries) - Published or In print
JS-2. R. Torkar, T. Gorschek and R. Feldt, "Eight Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden", ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 34, Issue 1, March 2009, pp. 31-33.
JS-1. T. Gorschek, Samuel Fricker, R. Feldt, R. Torkar, Claes Wohlin and Michael Mattsson, "1st International Global Requirements Engineering Workshop --- GREW'07", ACM SIGSOFT Journal Software Engineering Notes, Volume 33, Issue 2, pp. 29-32, March 2008.
Book chapters - Published or In print
W. Afzal, R. Torkar, R. Feldt and T. Gorschek, "
Genetic programming for cross-release fault count predictions in large and complex software projects", In Chis, M. (Ed.), Evolutionary Computation and Optimization Algorithms in Software Engineering: Applications and Techniques. (pp. 94-126), IGI Global, Hershey, USA, 2009. doi:10.4018/978-1-61520-809-8.ch006
BC-1. R. Torkar, R. Feldt and T. Gorschek, "Extracting Generally Applicable Patterns from Object-Oriented Programs for the Purpose of Software Test Creation". Open Source Development, Communities and Quality, vol. 275, pp. 281-287, 2008.
Conferences & Peer-Reviewed Workshops - Published or In print
C-92, P. Lenberg, R. Feldt, L-G. Wallgren Tengberg, and L. Gren, "Behavioral Aspects of Safety-critical Software Development", accepted for publication in CHASE 2020. (submitted 2020)
C-90, R. Feldt and S. Yoo, "Flexible Probabilistic Modeling for Search Based Test Data Generation", SBST 2020. (submitted 2020)
C-88 M. Nass, E. Alégroth, and R. Feldt, "On the Industrial Applicability of Augmented Testing: An Empirical Study", accepted for publication in NEXTA ICST Workshop, 2020. (submitted 2020)
C-82, M. Nass, E. Alegroth, and R. Feldt, "Augmented Testing: Industry Feedback To Shape a New Testing Technology", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW, INTUITESTBEDS'19). IEEE, 2019. (submitted 2019)
C-75, R. Scandariato, J. Horkoff and R. Feldt, "Generative Secure Design, Defined", accepted for publication in ICSE NIER, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. (Acceptance rate 25/95=26%, submitted 2017)
C-74, S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "Generating Parameterisably Invalid and Atypical Inputs for Robustness Testing", accepted for publication in ITEQS, Tokyo, 2017. (submitted 2016)
C-73, S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "Automated Random Testing in
Multiple Dispatch Languages", accepted for publication at ICST 2017, Tokyo. (Acceptance rate 36/135=26.7%, submitted 2016)
C-72, P. Kashfi, K. Kuusinen and R. Feldt, "Stakeholder Involvement:A Success Factor for Achieving Better UX Integration", accepted for publication at Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement in Agile Development (a NordiCHI workshop), 2016. (submitted 2016)
C-71, A. Chunduri, R. Feldt, and M. Adenmark, "An Effective Verification Strategy for Testing Distributed Automotive Embedded Software Functions: A Case Study", accepted for publication at PROFES 2016. (submitted 2016)
C-70, P. Kashfi, R. Feldt, A. Nilsson and R. Berntsson Svensson, "A conceptual ux-aware model of requirements", 6th Int. Working Conf. on Human-Centered Software Engineering, Stockholm, 2016. (submitted 2015)
C-69, E. Enoiu, A. Causevic, D. Sundmark, R. Feldt and P. Pettersson, "Mutation-Based Test Generation for PLC Embedded Software using Model Checking", 28th IFIP Int Conf on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS), Graz, Austria, 2016. (submitted 2016) Best Paper Award!
C-68, P. Lenberg, E. Alegroth, R. Feldt, and L-G. Wallgren, "An Initial Analysis of Differences in Software Engineers’ Attitudes Towards Organizational Change", accepted for publication at CHASE 2016. (submitted 2016)
C-67, B. Marculescu, R. Feldt, and R. Torkar, "Using Exploration Focused Techniques to Augment Search-Based Software Testing: An Experimental Evaluation", accepted to ICST 2016. (submitted 2015)
C-63, S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "Heuristic Model Checking using a Monte-Carlo Tree Search Algorithm", accepted for publication in GECCO 2015. (submitted 2015)
C-62, P. Lenberg, R. Feldt, and L-G. Wallgren, "Human Factors Related Challenges in Software Engineering - an Industrial Perspective", 2015. (submitted 2015)
C-60, D. Clark, R. Feldt, S. Poulding and S. Yoo, "Information Transformation:
An Underpinning Theory for Software Engineering", accepted for publication in ICSE NIER track, Florence, Italy, May 2015. (Acceptance rate 25/135=18%, submitted 2014)
C-53, B. Marculescu, R. Feldt and R. Torkar, "Objective Re-Weighting to Guide an Interactive Search Based Software Testing System", accepted for publication in ICMLA 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-52, A. Shahrokni and R. Feldt, "Requirements Engineering Challenges for Safety Critical Software - A Case Study", accepted for publication in SEAA 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-51, B. Marculescu, R. Feldt and R. Torkar, "Practitioner-Oriented Visualization in an Interactive Search-Based Software Test Creation Tool", accepted for publication in APSEC 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-49, L. Rose, S. Poulding, R. Feldt and R. Paige, "Towards A Cloud Platform for Probabilistic Testing", accepted for publication at ICSM 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-47, G. Liebel, E. Alégroth and R. Feldt, , "State-of-Practice in GUI-based System and Acceptance Testing: An Industrial Multiple-Case Study", accepted for publication in SEAA 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-46, M. Staron, J. Hansson, R. Feldt, A. Henriksson, W. Meding, S. Nilsson and C. Höglund, "Measuring and Visualizing Code Stability – A Case Study at Three Companies", accepted for publication in 8th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM-Mensura) 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-45, J. Pernstål, T. Gorschek, R. Feldt and D. Florén, , "Software Process Improvement Planning in Inter-Departmental Development of Software-Intensive Automotive Systems—A Case Study", accepted for publication in PROFES 2013. (submitted 2012)
C-44, F. Gomes de Oliveira Neto, R. Feldt, R. Torkar and P. Machado, "Searching for Models to Test Software Technology", accepted for publication in CMSBSE 2013. (submitted 2013)
C-43, E. Börjesson, R. Feldt and H. Holmström Olsson, "Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study", IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2013, pp. 56-65, March 2013. (submitted 2012)
C-42, B. Marculescu, R. Feldt and R. Torkar, "A Concept for an Interactive Search-Based Software Testing System", Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 273-278. (submitted 2012)
C-41, E. Engström, R. Feldt and R. Torkar, "Indirect Effects Essential in Evidential Assessment: A Case Study on Regression Test Automation", accepted for publication in 2nd International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST-2012), Lund, Sweden, 2012. (submitted 2012)
C-40, P. Kashfi, A. Nilsson and R. Feldt, "Supporting Practitioners in Engineering User Experience Requirements", accepted for publication in RefSQ workshop RePriCo, 2012. (submitted 2012)
E. Börjesson and R. Feldt, "
Automated System Testing using Visual GUI Testing Tools: A Comparative Study in Industry", 5th Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Montreal, Canada, April 17-19, 2012, pp. 350-359. (acceptance rate 27%, submitted 2011)
C-38, E. Ahmad, B. Raza and R. Feldt, "Assessment and Support for Software Capstone Projects at the Undergraduate Level: A Survey and Rubrics", in Proceedings of 10th Int. Conf. on Frontiers in Information Technology (FIT), Islamabad, Pakistan, December 17-19, 2011, pp. 25-32. (written in 2010)
C-37, A. Shahrokni and R. Feldt, "RobusTest: A Framework for Automated Testing of Robustness in Software", 18th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Ho-Chih Minh City, Vietnam, December 5-8, 2011, pp. 171-178. (30% acceptance rate)
C-36, A. Shahrokni and R. Feldt, "RobusTest: Towards a Framework for Automated
Testing of Robustness in Software", The Third International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID), Barcelona, Spain, 2011, pp. 78-83.
R. B. Svensson, T. Gorschek, B. Regnell, R. Torkar, A. Shahrokni and R. Feldt, "
Prioritization of Quality Requirements: State of Practice in Eleven Companies", Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Trento, Italy, August 29 - September 2, 2011, pp. 69-78. (acceptance rate 16.7%, 23 of 138)
C-34, S. Mujtaba, K. Petersen and R. Feldt, "Analyzing Strategy and Processes For Software Product Customization: A Comparative Industrial Study", 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Oulu, Finland, August 30 - September 2, 2011.
C-32, E. Börjesson and R. Feldt, "Structuring Software Engineering Case Studies to Cover Multiple Perspectives", In Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Miami, Florida, July 7-9, 2011.
C-26, W. Afzal, R. Torkar, R. Feldt and G. Wikstrand, "Search-based Prediction of Fault-Slip Through Metrics in Large Software Projects", 2nd International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, Benevento, Italy, 2010, pp. 79-88.
G. Sabaliauskaite, A. Loconsole, E. Engström, M. Unterkalmsteiner, B. Regnell, P. Runeson, T. Gorschek and R. Feldt, "
Challenges in Aligning Requirements Engineering and Verification in a Large-Scale Industrial Context", In Proceedings of the 16th Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ2010), Essen, Germany, June 30 - July 2, 2010, pp. 128-142.
R. Feldt, R. Torkar, E. Ahmad and B. Raza, "
Challenges With Software Verification and Validation Activities in the Space Industry", 3rd Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Paris, France, April 6-9, 2010, pp. 225-234. (26.5% acceptance rate)
C-20. S. Mujtaba, R. Feldt and K. Peterson, "A Value Stream Map of Software Product Customization in an Industrial Setting", in Proceedings of the 21st Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2010), Auckland, New Zealand, April 6-9, 2010, pp. 159-168.
C-19. G. Dodig-Crnkovic and R. Feldt, "Professional and Ethical Issues of Software Engineering Curricula - In a Swedish Academic Context", First Workshop on Human Aspects of Software Engineering (HaoSE), OOPSLA Workshop, Orlando, Florida, October 25-29, 2009.
C-18. A. Shahrokni, R. Feldt, F. Pettersson and A. Bäck, "Dependability and Robustness Verification Challenges in Automotive Telematics Systems", Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'09), Boston, USA, July 1-3, 2009.
C-17. S. Axelsson, R. Feldt, D. Baca, D. Sidlauskas and D. Kacan, "Detecting Defects with an Interactive Code Review Tool based on Visualisation and Machine Learning", Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'09), Boston, USA, July 1-3, 2009.
W. Afzal, R. Torkar and R. Feldt,
"Search-Based Prediction of Fault Count Data", In Massimiliano Di Penta and Simon Poulding editors, Proceedings 1st International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering SSBSE 2009, Windsor, UK, 2009.
C-14. G. Wikstrand, R. Feldt, J. K. Gorantla, W. Zhe and C. White, "Dynamic Regression Test Selection Based on a File Cache - an Industrial Evaluation", 2nd Int. Conf. on Software Testing (ICST'09), Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2-3, 2009, pp. 299-302.
C-13. R. Feldt, M. Höst and F. Lüders, "Generic Skills in Software Engineering Master Thesis Projects: A Rubric-Based Evaluation Framework", In 22nd IEEE-CS Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T'09), February 17-19, 2009, Hyderabad, India.
C-12. W. Afzal, R. Torkar and R. Feldt, "Prediction of fault count data using genetic programming", Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Multitopic Conference (INMIC 2008), pp. 349-356, Karachi, Pakistan, 23-24 December, 2008.
C-11. M. Bäumer, P. Siedler, R. Torkar, P. Tomaszewski, L-O. Damm, R. Feldt, "Predicting Fault Inflow in Iterative Software Development Processes: An Industrial Evaluation", 19th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Seattle, USA, 11-14 November, 2008.
C-10. D. Smite, C. Wohlin, R. Feldt and T. Gorschek, "Reporting Empirical Research in Global Software Engineering: a Classification Scheme", Int. Conf. on Global Software Engineering, pp. 173-181, Bangalore, India, August 17-20, 2008.
C-7. D. Larsson, R. Feldt and H. Bertilsson, "Challenges and Solutions in Test Staff Relocations within a Software Consultancy Company", In International Conference on Software Testing, pp. 423-431, Lillehammer, Norway, April 9-11, 2008.
C-4. R. Feldt, M. O’Neill, C. Ryan, P. Nordin and W. Langdon, "GP-Beagle: A Benchmarking Problem Repository for the Genetic Programming Community", Late Breaking Papers at the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 90-97, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2000.
R. Feldt and P. Nordin,
"Using Factorial Experiments to Evaluate the Effect of Genetic Programming Parameters", In Riccardo Poli, Wolfgang Banzhaf, William B. Langdon, Julian F. Miller, Peter Nordin, and Terence C. Fogarty, editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2000 , volume 1802 of LNCS , pages 271-282, Edinburgh, 15-16 April 2000. Springer-Verlag.
T-2. R. Feldt, "Using Genetic Programming to Systematically Force Software Diversity", Licentiate Thesis, Technical Report 296L, Department of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, November 1998.
T-1. R. Feldt, "Thread Extraction from Compiled Code", Master Thesis, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Technical Report no. 287, January 1997.
Technical reports
R-6. R. Torkar, R. Feldt and S. Christiernin, "Software Testing Frameworks – Current Status & Future Requirements". Technical report University West, 2006. (Can be found as chapter 9 in this PhD thesis)
R. Feldt, "
A Theory of Software Development", Technical Report 02-22, Department of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2002.
R-2. R. Feldt, "A survey of the concept of diversity in genetic programming and software fault tolerance", Technical Report no. 98-15, Department of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 1998.
Other (Pedagogical or Industrial Conferences)
O-7. B. Marculescu, R. Feldt, L.-G. Green, T. Liljegren and E. Hult, "Flexible and Low-Cost Measurements For Space Software Development - The Measurements Exploration Framework", accepted for publication in DASIA conference, Marrakech, Marocko, May 17-20, 2011. (Industry)
O-6. R. Feldt, J. Schulte, P. Preissing, B. Marculescu, R. Torkar and E. Hult, "Optimizing Verification and Validation Activities for Software in the Space Industry", DASIA conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 1-4, 2010. (Industry)
O-5. R. Feldt, N. Torstensson, E. Hult and L.-G. Green, "Analyzing the Cost of Complying to the ECSS Standards for Software Development", DASIA conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 1-4, 2010. (Industry)
O-4. R. Feldt, Ehsan Ahmad, Bilal Raza, Erika Hult and Tanja Nordebäck, "Evolving the ECSS Standard and Their Use: Experience Based on Industrial Case Studies", DASIA conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2009. (Industry)
O-3. R. Feldt, C. Wohlin, C. Gencel, T. Gorschek, L. Kuzniarz, D. Smite, M. Svahnberg and R. Torkar, "Quality Evaluation for the Licentiate - A Swedish Intermediate Research Degree", HSV:s Kvalitetskonferens, Stockholm, Sweden, May 13-14, 2009. (Pedagogy/Teaching)
O-2. R. Feldt, M. Höst, F. Luders, G. Dodig-Crnkovic, "Generic Skills in Master Thesis in Software Engineering", Swedish Conference on Generic Skills in Higher Education, Lund, Sweden, August 24, 2008. (Pedagogy/Teaching)
O-1. R. Feldt, "Improving a Master Thesis course for Bologna and Industrial and Academic Relevance", NU 2008 – Education for a new time, Kalmar, Sweden, May 2008. (Pedagogy/Teaching)
Editorials and Commentaries
E-3, Zsidai, Feldt et al, "Living evidence – a new approach to the appraisal of rapidly evolving musculoskeletal research" British Journal of Sports Medicine, accepted June 2022.
Current Preprints/Reports
In revision - Journals
In submission - Journals
In submission - Conferences